Results for 'Yasemin Ateşmen Özer'

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  1.  2
    Religious Education and Ethics Traces of Religious Education of the Past in Today's Religious Attitude: İlyas Erpay.Yasemin Ateşmen Özer - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):775-783.
    This study aims to introduce the book "Religious Education and Ethics (Traces of Past Religious Education in Today's Religious Attitudes)." The book was written in Turkish in 2022 by Nobel Academic Publishing and consists of 216 pages. The book focuses on the impact of an education in religion that lacks ethical principles on individuals' religious lives and aims to present how individuals would play a role in their religious lives with education based on ethical principles, drawing attention to these topics.This (...)
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    Hyper-ambition and the Replication Crisis: Why Measures to Promote Research Integrity can Falter.Yasemin J. Erden - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-14.
    This paper introduces the concept of ‘hyper-ambition’ in academia as a contributing factor to what has been termed a ‘replication crisis’ across some sciences. The replication crisis is an umbrella term that covers a range of ‘questionable research practices’, from sloppy reporting to fraud. There are already many proposals to address questionable research practices, some of which focus on the values, norms, and motivations of researchers and institutes, and suggest measures to promote research integrity. Yet it is not easy to (...)
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    Denken und Arbeiten mit Marx heute.Yasemin Ahi, Esengül Ayyıldız & Muharrem Açıkgöz (eds.) - 2021 - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
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    İnci Aralın Mor Adlı Romanına Psikanalitik Açıdan Bir Bakış.Yasemin Alper - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):15-15.
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    Opinions of Schoolmaster and Teachers on Drug Addiction – Present Situation and on Advices in Secondary Schools.Yasemin Kubanç - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:357-382.
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    Diagnosing the Refugee Crisis.Yasemin Sari & Isaac Taylor - 2018 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 11 (1).
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    The Origins of Responsibility.Yasemin Sari - 2012 - Symposium 16 (1):266-270.
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    Negative emotion differentiation: Its personality and well-being correlates and a comparison of different assessment methods.Yasemin Erbas, Eva Ceulemans, Madeline Lee Pe, Peter Koval & Peter Kuppens - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1196-1213.
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    Emotion differentiation dissected: between-category, within-category, and integral emotion differentiation, and their relation to well-being.Yasemin Erbas, Eva Ceulemans, Elisabeth S. Blanke, Laura Sels, Agneta Fischer & Peter Kuppens - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):258-271.
    ABSTRACTEmotion differentiation, the ability to describe and label our own emotions in a differentiated and specific manner, has been repeatedly associated with well-being. However, it is unclear exactly what type of differentiation is most strongly related to well-being: the ability to make fine-grained distinctions between emotions that are relatively closely related, the ability to make larger distinctions between very distinct emotions, or the combination of both. To determine which type of differentiation is most predictive of well-being, we performed a comprehensive (...)
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    (1 other version)Difficult Women in Philosophy: Reflections from the Margin.Yasemin J. Erden & Hannah M. Altorf - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Yasemin J. Erden, Hannah M. Altorf ABSTRACT: In this paper we connect diversity with being on the margins of philosophy. We do this by reflecting on the programme that we, as diverse philosophers, designed and taught in a small university. Recently, the programme was closed. We examine some of the circumstances for the closure, in ….
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  11. Quine, Laudan ve Doğallaştırılmış Epistemolojinin Normatifliği Sorunu (Quine, Laudan, and the Normativity Problem of Naturalized Epistemology).Mahmut Özer - 2022 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 12 (12:4):913-937.
    Quine’s “Epistemology Naturalized” is the locus classicus of naturalism in epistemology. Many traditional epistemologists criticized the naturalization of epistemology specifically targeting this article. The critics argue that Quine abolishes the normativity of epistemology. For he proposes epistemology as a chapter of psychology. Laudan, like Quine, believes that epistemology should be naturalized. However, he criticizes Quine’s project of naturalization for similar reasons as Quine’s critics. Instead, he proposes a new project that he calls “normative naturalism”. In this work, I will first (...)
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    Is it Ever Right to Lie? How Ethical Questions Bring us to Philosophy of Mind.Yasemin J. Erden - 2024 - Think 23 (66):59-63.
    Moral and ethical agreements require sufficiently shared values, or at least some common ground. We might think of this in terms of a shared ‘form of life’, ‘lebensform’, as Wittgenstein describes it in his Philosophical Investigations. Yet it is not clear what will be sufficient, nor how to bridge gaps when disagreement occurs, for instance on whether it is ever right to lie. Ethical and moral theories offer some guidance, but there is no guide for which theory one ought to (...)
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    Gesture Use and Processing: A Review on Individual Differences in Cognitive Resources.Demet Özer & Tilbe Göksun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Der Einsatz der Präsentationssoftware,PowerPoint' als Lehrmethode im Fremdsprachenunterricht.Yasemin Darancik - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):417-417.
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    Öğrencilerin Türk Yükseköğretiminde Eğitim Dili Olarak Türkçe Kullanımına Karşı İngilizce Kullanımın.Yasemin Kirkgöz - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):443-443.
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    (1 other version)Turing and the Real Girl.Yasemin J. Erden & Stephen Rainey - 2012 - The New Bioethics 18 (2):133-144.
    In 1950 Alan Turing asked whether machines could think. This question has been vigorously debated since, and its relevance for machine intelligence, or even agency, continues to provoke interdisciplinary debate. In fact, Turing’s next step in his paper is to ask a far more nuanced question about imitation, which, we suggest, assumes a number of connections between intelligence, agency and the possibility of imitation. This paper will offer three key arguments against these assumptions, and in so doing make the following (...)
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    Arendt, Truth, and Epistemic Responsibility.Yasemin Sari - 2018 - Arendt Studies 2:149-170.
    In this article, I offer a politico-philosophical perspective to reassess the much-contested role of truth in politics to put forth a principle of political action that will make sense of a “right to unmanipulated factual information,” which Hannah Arendt understands as crucial for establishing freedom of opinion. In developing a principle of epistemic responsibility, I will show that “factual truth” plays a key role in Arendt’s account of political action and provides a normative order that can extricate her account from (...)
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    Culture and personal influences on cardiopulmonary resuscitation- results of international survey.Janet Ozer, Gadi Alon, Dmitry Leykin, Joseph Varon, Limor Aharonson-Daniel & Sharon Einav - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-8.
    Background The ethical principle of justice demands that resources be distributed equally and based on evidence. Guidelines regarding forgoing of CPR are unavailable and there is large variance in the reported rates of attempted CPR in in-hospital cardiac arrest. The main objective of this work was to study whether local culture and physician preferences may affect spur-of-the-moment decisions in unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods Cross sectional questionnaire survey conducted among a convenience sample of physicians that likely comprise code team members (...)
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  19. New Insights on Time and Quantum Gravity.Ozer Oztekin - 2020 - Advances in Physics Theories and Applications 83 (DOI: 10.7176/APTA/83-08).
    According to Einstein, a universal time does not exist. But what if time is different than what we think of it? Cosmic Microvawe Background Radiation was accepted as a reference for a universal clock and a new time concept has been constructed. According to this new concept, time was tackled as two-dimensional having both a wavelength and a frequency. What our clocks measure is actually a derivation of the frequency of time. A relativistic time dilation actually corresponds to an increase (...)
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    The Role of Development Agencies In Rural Development In Turkey.Yasemin Mamur Işikçi - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):417-446.
    Development Agencies established with the Law on the Establishment, Coordination and Duties of Development Agencies No. 5449 dated 08.02.2006 on the condition that the pre-accession financial assistance program can be utilized in the 2003 European Union Accession Partnership Certificate, were obliged to increase the regional and rural development capacity of the region and to provide support to the projects in this context. The aim of this study is to show how and in what way Development Agencies contribute to rural development. (...)
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    A Research on the Relationship Between Religious Coping and Psychological Resilience in Healthcare Professionals During Covid-19 Pandemic.Yasemin Angin - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):331-345.
    COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that has spread all over the world and has caused a global epidemic that affected all parts of society. Healthcare professionals that are involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients diagnosed with coronavirus have been under a heavy burden both physically and psychologically during the fight against this disease. Articles published on protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the epidemic have stated that healthcare professionals should be supported to prevent (...)
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    Lehrerbild und Lehrerbildung in der Türkei zwischen staatsideologischem Anspruch und gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit.Yasemin Karakaşoğlu - 2009 - In Hendrik Fenz (ed.), Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 219-234.
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    Looking At The Turkish Modernisation Via Family Theme In Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü.Hanife Özer - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2533-2546.
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    Çokkültürlü Psikolojik Danışma Yeterlikleri Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi.Ömer Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):781-781.
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  25. Could a Created Being Ever be Creative? Some Philosophical Remarks on Creativity and AI Development.Yasemin J. Erden - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (3):349-362.
    Creativity has a special role in enabling humans to develop beyond the fulfilment of simple primary functions. This factor is significant for Artificial Intelligence (AI) developers who take replication to be the primary goal, since moves toward creating autonomous artificial-beings beg questions about their potential for creativity. Using Wittgenstein’s remarks on rule-following and language-games, I argue that although some AI programs appear creative, to call these programmed acts creative in our terms is to misunderstand the use of this word in (...)
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    Is the brain a digital computer? Rethinking a binary question.Yasemin J. Erden - 2021 - Think 20 (57):23-37.
    ABSTRACTIs the brain a digital computer? What about your own brain? This article will examine these questions, some possible answers, and what persistent disagreement on the topic might indicate. Along the way we explore the metaphor at the heart of the question and assess how observer relativity features in it. We also reflect on the role of models in scientific endeavour. By the end you should have a sense of why the question matters, what some answers to it might be, (...)
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  27. Wittgenstein on Simile as the “Best Thing” in Philosophy1.Yasemin J. Erden - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 35 (2):127-137.
    In a remark written sometime between 1933 and 1943, Wittgenstein suggests that philosophy ought really to be written as one “writes a poem.” Around this time he also talks of simile as the “best thing” in philosophy. In this paper I consider what it would mean to take such claims seriously. Through examining newly discovered material from the Skinner manuscripts, I offer an analysis of Wittgenstein's approach to literary techniques and see how this impacts on his conception of philosophy.
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    Surveillance Cameras & School Safety: A Scale Development Study.Niyazi Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:437-448.
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    Temel Benlik Değerlendirmesi, Başa Çıkma Stratejileri ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık.Esin Özer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):587-587.
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    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin İlk Resmi Konuğu Afgan Kralı Amanullah Han'ın Türkiye Ziyaretinin Türk Basın.İlbeyi Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 11):279-279.
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  31. Empirical Relationships Among Five Types of Well-Being.Seth Margolis, Eric Schwitzgebel, Daniel J. Ozer & Sonja Lyubomirsky - 2021 - In William Lauinger (ed.), Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. New York, NY, USA: pp. 339-376.
    Philosophers, psychologists, economists and other social scientists continue to debate the nature of human well-being. We argue that this debate centers around five main conceptualizations of well-being: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, desire fulfillment, eudaimonia, and non-eudaimonic objective-list well-being. Each type of well-being is conceptually different, but are they empirically distinguishable? To address this question, we first developed and validated a measure of desire fulfillment, as no measure existed, and then examined associations between this new measure and several other well-being measures. (...)
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    We need to talk about Wittgenstein: The practice of dialogue in the classroom and in assessment.Yasemin J. Erden - 2016 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (1):34-48.
    Is philosophy the pursuit of knowledge, as first year students with a dictionary sometimes write? With an aim to inspire and encourage philosophical inquiry, offering an invitation to participate in a process of discovery? Or are philosophers charged with teaching the history of such pursuits – who argued, proved, disproved what? On the first account, philosophy is a subject that resists information-transmission, and requires exploration, creativity, discussion and dialogue. On the second, teaching centres on information-transmission, etching old ideas into the (...)
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  33.  18
    Identity and bias in philosophy: What philosophers can learn from stem subjects.Yasemin J. Erden - 2021 - Think 20 (59):117-131.
    This article centres on two distinct but intersecting questions: does it matter if we cannot definitively answer the question ‘what is philosophy?’ and do philosophers exhibit bias? The article will answer ‘yes’ to both questions for the following reasons. First because the uncertainty has allowed some answers to dominate. Second, because the answers necessarily demonstrate biases, and these have led to a lack of diversity in the discipline. Following this, the article will consider why philosophers have been slow or reluctant (...)
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    Ergenlerin Benlik Saygısı ve Sosyal Kayg.ERİŞ Yasemin - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):179-193.
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  35. Language ideology in the discourse of educational leadership.Yasemin Yildiz - 2016 - In Eugénie Angèle Samier (ed.), Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge.
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    Correcting the Brain? The Convergence of Neuroscience, Neurotechnology, Psychiatry, and Artificial Intelligence.Stephen Rainey & Yasemin J. Erden - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2439-2454.
    The incorporation of neural-based technologies into psychiatry offers novel means to use neural data in patient assessment and clinical diagnosis. However, an over-optimistic technologisation of neuroscientifically-informed psychiatry risks the conflation of technological and psychological norms. Neurotechnologies promise fast, efficient, broad psychiatric insights not readily available through conventional observation of patients. Recording and processing brain signals provides information from ‘beneath the skull’ that can be interpreted as an account of neural processing and that can provide a basis to evaluate general behaviour (...)
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    Changing parameters of citizenship and claims-making: Organized Islam in European public spheres. [REVIEW]Yasemin Nuhoğlu Soysal - 1997 - Theory and Society 26 (4):509-527.
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    An Arendtian Recognitive Politics.Yasemin Sari - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (3):709-735.
    Working with Hannah Arendt’s implicit argument about place and visibility, this article develops an account of recognition in order to rethink the nature of community. I argue for an Arendtian recognitive politics, a two-tiered account of recognition, which takes into account social identities as the condition of possibility for the free political action that so animated Arendt. If we require a place to act freely, in other words, we are visible to another in that place. Claims such as Arendt’s “right (...)
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    Türkçe Sözlük'teki Fiillerin Eski Anadolu Türkçesindeki Görünümleri -A ve B Maddeleri Örnekleminde-.Yasemin ÇELİK - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):249-249.
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    Arendt and Nancy.Yasemin Sari - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):235-259.
    In light of the recent political events, it is clear that democracy itself has come to be contested and modified in a plethora of democratic practices that have expanded the very articulation of equal citizenship. My argument in this article is twofold: first, I rearticulate Arendt’s conception of “revolution” found in her On Revolution by insisting on its “beginning” and “founding” dimensions for the appearance of freedom. Coupled with Jean-Luc Nancy’s insight into a “spirit of democracy” that does not reside (...)
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    Revolutionary Spacing: An Arendtian Recognitive Politics.Yasemin Sari - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Alberta
    In this dissertation, I undertake a critical analysis of the conception of community at work in what is termed “identity-based politics.” Working with Hannah Arendt’s implicit argument about place and visibility, I develop a theory of recognition in order to rethink the nature of community. The ultimate aim of my project develops a recognitive politics, a two-tiered theory of recognition, which takes into account social identities as the condition of possibility for the free political action that so animated Arendt. If (...)
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    Towards an Arendtian Conception of Justice.Yasemin Sari - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (2):216-239.
    This article argues that Arendt’s rich account of the political necessarily involves an implicit, but never fully worked out, phenomenological articulation of justice in her work. Arendt’s unique articulation of the role of judgment in political action provides us with the outline of an Arendtian principle of justice that relieves the tension between idealist and realist theories of justice. Building on this role of judgment, I aim to emphasize the phenomenological premise of identifying the conditions for the possibility of the (...)
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    The role of motivation between perceived teacher support and student engagement in science class.Yasemin Tas, Münevver Subaşı & Sündüs Yerdelen - 2018 - Educational Studies 45 (5):582-592.
    ABSTRACTThis study aimed to investigate the relationships among the middle school students’ perceptions of science teacher support, students’ motivation and students’ engagement in learning science...
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    François Raffoul, The Origins of Responsibility. [REVIEW]Yasemin Sari - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (1):266-270.
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    Çanakkale Cephesinde Mustafa Kemal.İlbeyi Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):553-553.
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    Computer Teachers’ Attitudes toward Ethical Use of Computers in Elementary Schools.Niyazi Özer, Celal Teyyar Ugurlu & Kadir Beycioglu - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):15-24.
    This descriptive study explores the elementary school computer teachers’ attitudes and awareness regarding ethical computer use in classrooms and the differences in teachers’ attitudes and awareness in terms of demographic variables including gender, teaching experiences, pre-service/in-service education about ethical computer use. In order to measure computer teachers’ attitudes, awareness, and teaching practices regarding computer ethics, an adopted version of Cyberethics Questionnaire (CEQ), originally developed by Yamano (2004), was used in this study. The CEQ was administered to 150 teachers working for (...)
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    1929 Dünya Ekonomik Bunalımı Çerçevesind.Sevilay Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):595-613.
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    Dini Metinlerdeki Dilin Anlaşılmasına Yönelik Bazı Mülahazalar.Salih Özer - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:1):419-448.
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    Edirne Sarayı 'ndan Günümüze Ulaşabilen Yapılar Hakkında.Mustafa Özer - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):809-809.
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    Hamdullah Hamdî Divanı Üzerinde Durum Biçimbirimleri Açısından Bir İnceleme.Hasan Özer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):783-783.
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